Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Our House

Ah, it's good to be back! Since my last blog entry, almost a month ago, me and A have moved from an apartment to a house. Yes, a proper house. This also means that we have had problems with the phone (we were phoneless for almost a week) and with the Internet (we still haven't got our ADSL connection). I can not recommend Spray as an Internet supplier by the way. We have had a wide range of answers to our questions regarding our ADSL connection. Everything from a letter saying you can not get ADSL to a friendly Norwegian voice who assured me that we already have it. In the end, none of this turned out to be true. But we are still waiting.

In the meantime, things have been starting to move again on the IB front. Hopefully, I will be able to send out the next IB-newsletter by the end of August from my new and improved office at home.

Tonight, I am off to listen to Juliette & the Licks at KB in Malmö. I have no idea what to expect. But I will let you know!

For me, Our House is a good tune by Madness accompanied by a funny video, not a CSN&Y song. It's part of my teenage years when I sort of liked Madness, but never admitted it in public and never bought any of their albums. Maybe I should have? After all, I am a bit of an Anglophile.

1 comment:

Thomas said...

I wish these spammers would leave my blog alone! Take my advice: do NOT click on the links!