Tuesday, October 04, 2005

The Times They are a-changing

After moving from the city to a smaller place - I am still not sure what to call it: a town, city, village? - I have noticed several things that are very different. I sleep much better now, I worry more about costs, I enjoy the fresh air, I try keeping the heating off as much as possible, I appreciate the friendliness of the locals and I am really pleased with the fact that you don't have someone living on top, next to and under your confined living spaces. I can play any music I like as loudly as I like. Well, at least when A is not at home and as long as Livingston and Fassbinder - the budgie team - don't disapprove.

One that I noticed early on was that the shops had strange opening hours. At least they were strange to me. Some shops opened at eight or even seven o' clock in the morning! I can understand it in a way, because these are shops were construction workers get their stuff, and they tend to start their day early in the morning.

But today I was made aware of the most bizarre opening hours while walking past the video rental shop. In Malmö, they tend to open around mid-day and close at midnight. So do the video shops in other places I know of. Not in the place I call home nowadays. The open at 6.30! Yes, they do. I had to actually go up and check the opening times when I passed on my way to the train this morning. 6.30 it was. Inside was a guy sleepily browsing a newspaper. I wonder how many customers they have before noon? Very rarely have I felt the urge to rent a movie at that time of the day.

Spoke at lengt with M yesterday. He phoned me up on my mobile while I was walking from work to the train. I changed trains, still talking to M, and was approaching home when the signal was cut off. 49 minutes. I don't blame M. He has been going through some rough patches for some time. Since last summer I suppose, but the problems keep on coming. At least one of the problems got solved in the best way possible the other week. One down, too many to go.

On the IB, I feel there will be some interesting developments soon. The plans are solid and artisticaly valid. We are currently waiting for the financial part to be solved, then we can move on.

The Times They are a-changing is one of a relatively small number of Bob Dylan songs I like. Some of his songs I really like (Love Sick, Masters of War and Don't Think Twice It's All Right), this one I just like. I am not a big Dylan fan. Frankly, I sometimes wonder what all the fuss is about. He certainly has written some memorable songs, some fine lyrics and I can even stretch as far as saying that some of his performances of his songs are good. But as far as I am concerned, give me Richard Thompson any day. Or Van Morrison. Or (fill in the name of your favourite singer/songwriter here). I prefer Dylan's live versions of The Times They are a-changing. They tend to be grittier, more venomous and with more attack than the studio recording. I strongly feel this performance attitude really underlines the lyrics. And with Dylan, the lyrics tend to be more important than the music. Maybe that's why I prefer Richard Thompson? Or is it just because I am an anglophile?

NP: Grant Green - Idle Moments

1 comment:

Thomas said...

Just ignore the spam. There is no such thing as a free lunch, and certainly no such thing as someone willing to give you a free laptop via the Internet.