The jury voted for a 70's styled retro song sung by Bono-light charachter Andreas Johnson, and eurodisco act BWO came second with a song featuring lyrics that would make any hair rock band of the 80's proud. How many songs from that era used the words "in the heat of the night"? The right answer is: too many.
Unfortunately, the jury's votes didn't help, because of the obligatory phone-in. And people did phone in. And I am sorry to say, they made a difference in a most negative way in this case. I suppose the fact that Carola won just proves a point made by witty radio personality Nick Abbot back in 1993-94: the masses are asses.
Since I am far from a nationalist, I hope Sweden will not make it to the international finals. Sending a religious nutter to Athens can hardly be to our benefit.
Just had a look at a Nick Abbot site. I must check up on his recent work. I really liked his work on Virgin 1215 when I lived in London in 1993-94.

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I am certainly not a big Dylan fan, in fact I am not a Dylan fan at all. But I can appreciate a good song when I hear it. As I am in a bitter and whingy mood today, I might as well tell you what I think of the song "Idiot Wind". Unmemorable lyrics in the verses with an even more unforgettable melody to help it stumble along. The chorus features Dylan not only making a fool of himself as a vocalist, but also taking the piss out of himself, at least that's the way it sounds. Great title though.
Hej! Mycket fin musikblogg. Roligt att läsa av en musikvetare. Bästa hälsningar, Bengt Lorentzon
Hej! Mycket fin musikblogg. Roligt att läsa något av en musikvetare. Bästa hälsningar, Bengt Lorentzon
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