Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Wishful Beginnings

Some brief updates. The course in rock that I have been teaching will be wrapped up next Wednesday with an exam. I have noticed an unusually large amount of absent students when I lectured on the 70's. Also, I have a feeling many of the students have not worked nearly as hard as they should.

At Jazz in Malmo I have been busy organizing a suitable hotel for one of the acts performing at Jeriko this spring. Our regular four star hotel was not acceptable, and to cut a long story short, I was able to book rooms at another hotel. The difference in cost was 500 Euros.

Some good and some bad news on the IB front. The bad news is that we can't muster a proper team at the library inauguration because Klas was busy elsewhere, Jonas will be arriving only a few hours before the gig and our dear Italian friends couldn't make it because they were busy too. Pity, because things are not the same without them.

The good news is that I have recieved two positive initial responses to my invitations to IB Expo 2006. Just like last year, our first choices EG and PM were interested and we will now go on to see if our schedules can fit. My thanks to Tom Griesgraber, who did some serious groundwork and connected me with PM. These are wishful beginnings indeed, but if everything comes together, this will be a fantastic IB Expo!

* * *

On David Bowie's Outside, you will find the track "Wishful Beginnings", co-written by Bowie and Brian Eno. Hardly a standout track, in all its monotony it works as a platform for Bowie's storytelling, which the bizarre tale that is told on this album really needs.


Moderator said...

I've always been a big fan of Bowie's work with Eno. Perhaps it's just me.

Anonymous said...

Dear Grant, I am a fan of Bowie's work with Eno, particularly Heroes and Lodger. Some of the tracks on Outside are good, but some are not too convincing it seems to me.

Thomas said...

Dear Grant, I am a fan of Bowie's work with Eno, particularly Heroes and Lodger. Some of the tracks on Outside are good, but some are not too convincing it seems to me.

Anonymous said...

Synd att man missade Expo 2005 :(

Tror dock att jag kan lista ut en av de två (EG och PM) aktuella för årets upplaga, hehe...får se om jag har rätt så småningom.

En hel del kul läsning på din blogg (ja, Outside är en kanonplatta), men när hade egentligen Mats & Company tänkt att uppdatera IB-hemsidan?

Hälsa Mats förresten (om han nu skulle minnas mig...), han hjälpte mig och mitt dåvarande band för 15 år sen med en hel del kontakter. Vi hade tom planerat en konsert i Gbg tillsammans. ;-)